Here, you will learn about the owner! (:
First off, I am Crystal (20) Also the owner of EveK2Fans.Blogspot. I am from Michigan, but have lived in Florida for a little over a year now. I am the youngest of two. And have two nieces. I love lots of different types of music and movies. I run both fansites strictly because, I admire and adore all three! This is a great way to show support to my favorites, and show them my appreciation for them, and all they have done/give up to entertain us! I have been part of the CeNation since 2003, and will continue to be a fan of the Leader John Cena! The millions as Rock says, can suck it! I have been a fan of both Eve Torres & KellyKelly since 2007, I am proud to call myself a BeliEVEr! Well, yupp that's me! Not much, haha!
Hope you enjoy the site!